Current hay supplies across the state depend on conditions of winter-planted forage crops and rainfall, according to Extension Service experts.
Physical barriers and traps are an additional layer of defense. Fly masks are more commonly associated with horses, but they ...
A risk management strategy for buying or retaining cattle is the goal of a new tool from University of Missouri Extension.
The livestock kit invention's sent into this year's Inventions Competition, showed off the ingenuity of farmers across the ...
This dashboard is designed to provide a dynamic overview of the latest retail market data for the lamb sector. It breaks down spend, volume sales as well as average prices by product and allows you to ...
This dashboard is designed to provide a dynamic overview of the latest retail market data for the beef sector. It breaks down spend, volume sales as well as giving average prices by product and allows ...
Adequate space should be allowed around hay feeders so that cows have equal opportunity to consume feed. To summarize, not all hay feeders are created equal, and research suggests that some of the ...
Beef producers with old hay stored on their operation ... that into the forage feeding strategy. This was the topic that Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute experts addressed on a ...
This method utilizes the appeal of better forage to stimulate intake of the less desirable hay [1, 2]. 3. Behavioral Management: Try to minimize competition for feed among cows as this can lead to ...
U.S. dairy cattle tested positive for a strain of bird flu that previously had not been seen in cows, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Wednesday, ramping up concerns about the persistent ...
The Ministry of Agriculture has announced plans to impose movement restrictions for cattle yet to be vaccinated against foot and mouth disease. Speaking in Wajir County on Wednesday afternoon, ...