Xiaoyong "Shaw" Zhao filed a lawsuit against Southern California Edison over the death of his father in Altadena.
Donald Trump excels at being both an arsonist and a fireman on any issue except the real fires out in Los Angeles. There he ...
Before string of killings linked to fringe group, Jack ‘Ziz’ LaSota led fateful tugboat voyage from Alaska to California ...
On Wednesday, the South Dakota Mines football program brought on 23 commitments. One day later, SDM head football coach ...
Aberdeen High School has earned the College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for achieving high female ...
After a decade of partnership with Harvard, Yale’s CS50 course will no longer be offered starting in fall 2025 due to limited funding and an expanding computer science department.
University computer science (CS) courses serve as important bridges into further CS study and careers in STEM. Yet many women ...
Girls are less likely to take computer science then their male peers. Designing classes that appeal to them can help close the gap.
Christian Haigh co-founded Compound Planning to target rich, next-generation clients, and to address what he views as archaic ...
Crummey was honored in January with a Secretary of Energy Achievement Award as a member of the leadership team of the Department of Energy’s seven-year, $1.8 billion Exascale Computing Project.
Minera Alamos Inc. (the "Company" or "Minera Alamos") (TSXV: MAI) announces that it has filed an early warning report pursuant to the provisions of Canadian securities legislation (the "Early Warning ...