Most people have never been to med school, so their ability to diagnose illnesses or health problems is limited. Yet, the average person knows that the health of their heart is all important.
Don’t worry if someone’s checking your blood pressure in a loud public place.The reading they get is apt to be just a ...
High blood pressure often develops without noticeable symptoms, earning it the nickname "silent killer." Discover the signs to prevent: ...
Keeping track of your blood pressure at home is one of the best ways to monitor your heart health. High blood pressure, or ...
We all know that things like stress or diet changes can temporarily elevate our blood pressure. But you might not actually ...
Dr Philippa Kaye explained this better view of the retina can help experts detect 'signs of conditions like eye tumours, high blood pressure, diabetes and retinal detachment'. Current eye tests to ...
NEW YORK, Jan. 27 (UPI) --The next time you take your blood pressure in a supermarket ... randomly assigned 108 adults in Baltimore to test blood pressure under three conditions: private quiet ...
This Stroke Prevention Day (30 January), people in the Black Country are being encouraged to have their blood pressure regularly checked to reduce their risk of stroke.
Learn how managing high blood pressure and high cholesterol keeps your heart health in check and helps prevent liver issues such as MASH.
Wake Forest University School of Medicine researchers found that just 3½ years of intensive blood pressure control can ...