Shannon and parents like her are providing their own version of assistance to families with children in special education. Shannon has become a go-to source for Marsh Valley families, who she says ...
Why is the Education Department’s work especially important for students with disabilities? How does the department help ...
Adams: In NYC, bright kids are left hanging. Some states give them Individualized Education Programs and let them work at their own accelerated pace.
All children learn differently. When children learn differently, this is not a bad thing. It may just mean that they need supports that special education services can provide. However, it's hard to ...
To be eligible for an individualized education program (IEP), children must have a disability, such as autism, that prevents them from learning successfully in the existing classroom environment.
But the individualized education program, or IEP, required for all children who need special education, was available only in English. Rivera’s first language is Spanish. Later she was told Luis, who ...