Rovers sent to Mars have so far failed to detect life, likely because it doesn’t exist on the Red Planet. But we can’t say ...
In 2017, a tragic incident unfolded in a Nevada hospital. A woman, admitted for pneumonia, tragically succumbed to multiple ...
A new, comprehensive map of all the genes essential for blood infections in Plasmodium knowlesi (P. knowlesi), a parasite ...
How do bacteria - harmless ones living in our bodies, or those that cause disease - organize their activities? A new study, combining powerful genomic-scale microscopy with a technical innovation, ...
“One of the goals [of astrobiology] is to go to [other worlds] and look for microorganisms, but in the meantime there’s so ...
A new study finds that sharks and rays harbor several harmful bacteria, some resistant to antibiotics, raising concerns over their impact on public health.
Antibiotics are indispensable for treating bacterial infections. But why are they sometimes ineffective, even when the bacteria are not resistant? In their latest study published in the journal Nature ...