A 10-year-old child survived 24 days on an artificial heart at Ann-Arbor-based University of Michigan Health’s C.S. Mott ...
The parents of a baby who had open heart surgery while less than two weeks old say they are "proud" of her ...
On Sept. 6, 2024, Lev'Veon became the first child in Michigan to get a total artificial heart, and he is possibly the ...
Before 7-month-old Annie was born she was diagnosed with a rare heart condition, requiring a complicated surgery in order to ...
A writer explores how a Jewish ritual changed her relationship with mortality. I had a hole in my chest. Three weeks had ...
Partial heart transplants provide a range of lifesaving options for children with complex congenital heart conditions, and ...
Within three weeks of her surprise diagnosis, the little girl was in a hospital operating room undergoing open-chest heart ...
6-month-old Struthers' baby Ariella Melek received her third open heart surgery Monday in Cincinnati. The parents of Ariella, ...
Veronica Even expected to bring her newborn, Theodore, home for Christmas. Instead, she watched as he was rushed to Manning ...
Pediatric cardiac surgeon Danielle Gottlieb Sen, MS, MD, MPH, has joined the Heart Institute team at Le Bonheur Children’s ...