By force of her imagination and skill, Emily Dickinson could take the measure of solitude, opprobrium and even damnation.
A WWII veteran, devoted Catholic, and family man — my father embodied the balance of strength and kindness that today’s world ...
Nancy Spielberg (Steven Spielberg's sister) produced writer-director Tom Shoval's portrait of David Cunio, who starred in his ...
For the record, I once asked the actor Kevin Pollack, who plays Weinberg, about this line and he agreed it was meant ...
An old, old, old, old, old (key word is old here), old flame of mine from my freshman year of high school recently sent me this poem: ...
On February 27, it will be 10 years since losing my wonderful dad, Harvey Butterworth, who died suddenly on Haddington golf course.
When I picked up the phone to call Cruse — always Howie to me — the most important thing I knew was that he had known my ...