Liam Neeson has starred in several famous movie franchises, but there was one that he decided to turn down. The role ended up ...
Liam Neeson has starred in a number of huge movie franchises, but there was one he turned down due to a bizarre reason ...
A Walk Among the Tombstones is one of Liam Neeson's most celebrated works; the movie is the encapsulation of humanity's inner ...
Though the best Liam Neeson ... s List (and, in a non-baddie role, Laura Linney was, a decade later, for Kinsey). There’s something steadfast about Neeson in these earlier movie-star roles ...
The big reason why there are two Taken sequels and a seemingly endless parade of Liam Neeson action movies is that viewers genuinely liked his character, Bryan Mills. In the first film ...
The current Prime Video top 10 movies list includes a hugely entertaining blockbuster, an exciting action-thriller with Liam Neeson, and an intense horror prequel. Before we dive into my picks ...
Neeson carries this mug everywhere: movie sets, red-carpet premieres ... He's not kidding: When the waitress comes over to take his order, Neeson reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Ziploc ...
Then – boom – seemingly out of nowhere there's a brand new Netflix no.1 movie to disrupt the order of said list. It's no shock or surprise that a Liam Neeson-fronted flick has rocketed up the ...
Liam Neeson is now one of ... in comparison to Schindler’s List, which earned him his first and only Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, Neeson was able to bring to life a legendary ...