Roses, carnations, pompons, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums and gypsophila arrive on hundreds of flights, mostly from Colombia and Ecuador, to Miami on their journey to florists and supermarkets across the ...
Pene Snashall fulfilled her childhood dream of owning a flower shop six months ago and now she’s preparing for her first ...
Since it's only February, it may be hard to believe that this year’s cherry blossoms are already on the horizon. But there they are, and approaching fast: the Japan Meteorological Corporation ...
Spring is emerging from winter in my yard. Daffodils and paper whites are blooming, as well as one tree. The mystery tree ...
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) - If you are not ready for Valentine’s Day, then it is time to get ready!
For about two weeks every February, San Francisco is privy to a breathtaking sight: the peak bloom of Golden Gate Park’s ...
For about two weeks every February, San Francisco is privy to a breathtaking sight: the peak bloom of Golden Gate Park’s ...
Magnolias are beginning to bud and some to bloom in gardens open to the public in Glen Ellen, Sebastopol and Occidental.
Sonoma Botanical Garden is self-pollinating a rare magnolia from China in hopes of cultivating more specimens to preserve the genetic line.
Yesterday, the magnolia tree in the courtyard of my apartment building burst into bloom. The pelting rain that drove me ...