Scientific studies claim that modern music is growing simpler than ever before - both lyrically and musically. But are they ...
It may be the smallest, shortest chorus dance ever recorded. An international team of researchers observed how electrons, excited by ultrafast light pulses, danced in unison around a particle less ...
Using a novel surface-sensitive spectroscopy method, scientists explored atomic vibrations in crystalline material surfaces near interfaces. The findings illuminate quantum behaviors that play ...
Researchers have announced results from a new search at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (European XFEL) Facility at ...
Using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, Northwestern astrophysicists gained the longest, most detailed glimpse yet of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
Judges and attorneys have strong views on the value of and need for Commercial Division Rule 19-a Statements, but they are ...
Early-career scholars recognized for pioneering work in statistics, physics, chemistry, astrophysics and computer science ...
America's status as a global science leader is in doubt as the administration freezes funding and targets research that ...
Rice researchers found that a carbon material known as monolayer amorphous carbon is eight times tougher than graphene.
Neutrinos are sometimes called “ghost particles,” because they are nearly weightless, rarely interact with any other matter, ...
Four couples at the 55th annual Black Creativity Gala at the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry shared why an event like ...