In June, BritBox announced that a new series centered on the Mitford sisters had official entered production. Titled Outrageous, the series is being written by Sarah Williams, based on Mary S.
The publication of the diaries of the youngest Mitford sister still does not reveal the mystery of her relationship with the ...
Many of the sisters were influential novelists and journalists - and their lives inspired a host of films and TV series The Persuit of Love - Nancy Mitford (1945) Nancy's first big success as a ...
Book publisher Jonathan Cape has bought the UK and Commonwealth publishing rights for Do Admit: Making Sense of the Mitford Sisters, a new graphic biography from cartoonist Mimi Pond, with a ...
Nancy Mitford’s classic novel, The Pursuit of Love, is undergoing a TV adaptation, and the cast is nothing short of iconic. Let’s take a look at the first photos of the series to be released.