Locksmith Animation, the London-based studio behind “Ron’s Gone Wrong” and Netflix’s recent “That Christmas,” has announced its first independent animated feature. “Wed Wabbit” will launch at the ...
With a ton of news surrounding the next Marvel team-up flooding the Internet this week, let's run down everything we know ...
There are many mysteries and unanswered questions in the MCU, but there are some loose ends that seem like they'll never get resolved at all.
Benedict Cumberbatch‘s impressive 23-year career has taken the English-born star to big franchises, brilliant standalone ...
The first of the Marvel Rivals easter eggs is related to Magneto, a popular Vanguard in the game who wields a giant greatsword. The interesting fact about this sword is that it is apparently made out ...
The MCU has a culture of blame, but one hero in particular has bore the brunt of numerous universe-changing events, including ...