In the aftermath of the Kargil War, Muzzamil Hussain's family unearthed a treasure of Silk Road artefacts in their ancestral property near Kargil's bazaar.
Through hard work and humility, Amir Loloi has built the brand that bears his name into an industry leader in rugs.
Google said it would follow the Trump administration in renaming the Gulf of Mexico once the new name is updated in ...
Google Maps is under plan to rename the "Gulf of Mexico" as the "Gulf of America" for google-users in the United S..|News ...
Google Maps has a history of changing place names and world borders for different users in different locations, especially ...
The federal government, including the military, is changing the name on maps to "Gulf of America." Even Google suggested it ...
Mapmakers and teachers are re-thinking what to call the gulf of water between Mexico, the United States and Cuba after ...
American Jewish leaders don’t just insist on Israel’s right to exist. They insist on its right to exist as a Jewish state.