Over a metre of water has flooded the Cathedral School’s parking lot, potentially writing off over $1m in buses and bringing ...
A black bear in a tree caused a bit of a disturbance at Markham Woods Middle School on Monday morning. The bear was near the ...
After 9 p.m., strong winds forced some of the massive branches to come down, smashing Nikolau's garage, fence and three cars in the process. Power was out in the neighborhood for hours.
A Varnville man was killed in a single-vehicle collision Wednesday night after his truck overturned and struck a tree on a ...
Cleanup efforts continued on Monday, March 17, after Sunday night’s, March 16, storms tore through parts of Central New York.
Big blowing fire in Riley Township watershed area. Continued dry weather conditions contributed to oddball fire.
A 53-year-old man has died after he crashed into a tree Friday night in Marinette County. According to the Marinette County Sheriff’s Office, a one-vehicle ...
MARINETTE - A 53-year-old Pound man died in a crash Friday night after his vehicle left the road and crashed into a tree, according to the Marinette County Sheriff's Office. Edward J. Van Caster ...
According to the FHP report, the 45-year-old Gainesville man was driving a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro eastbound on NW Fourth ...
Kim Atchison was hunkered down in her grandmother’s storm shelter with her 5-year-old grandson Saturday night in their tiny ...
A Gainesville man, 45, was killed Friday night when his car hit a tree in Newberry, according to a report from Florida Highway Patrol. According to the FHP report, the 45-year-old Gainesville man ...