Looking to buy your 2025 garden seeds? Consider these eight favorites of PennLive's long-time garden writer, George Weigel.
I’m not talking about all the different varieties of beets or tomatoes. I mean organic, heirloom, and hybrid seeds. There are pros and cons to all three kinds; and if there are certain things ...
Rachelle Rocha, pharmacist and co-owner of Seasons on Lorne Street, is a believer that food is medicine. She and a team organized another successful Seedy Sunday promoting food grown here using seeds ...
Celebrating its 10th year, the Seed Library Program was launched in February 2015 and is is a collaboration with UF/IFAS Leon ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about how to properly store onions and whether rose pruning should be delayed.
“Heirloom ... organic gardening techniques, Will Weaver has grown every one of the featured 280 varieties of vegetables, and he walks the novice gardener through the basics of planting, growing ...
Local farmer Ned Birkey offers home garden planning tips. Also, see what gardening workshops are coming up in Monroe County.
Many companies make a point of highlighting their non-GMO seeds, but what does it mean for the home grower and should it help you decide what to plant?
Winter does the same thing every year. Arriving after the leaves have laid an invitational carpet and the sun has abandoned ...
I'm Anne of All Trades. In NASHVILLE, I have a woodworking, blacksmithing and fabrication shop, a selection of furry friends, and an organic farm. Whether you've got the knowledge, tools, time or ...
Particularly if you wish to grow unusual varieties, heirloom varieties, unusual herbs or flowers, the selection will be much broader when purchasing seeds over ... your own good organic soil.