With more than 900    churches, hundreds of palazzos, 10 World Heritage Sites and 280 fountains (the Trevi alone sees some 700,000 euros in coin donations every year), Rome can be an overwhelming city ...
Something moves on the front of seaside concessions: the Municipality of Rome has started Two public tenders for the ...
Ostia, the coastal municipality located about 30 km south-west of Rome, could soon become independent of the Italian capital ...
I’m looking for 2 ESL TEACHERS to cover: course Tuesdays 5.00 to 7.00pm Ostia Antica + course on Wednesdays 5.00 to 7.00pm ...
Nolli Map of Rome is the best map of any city ever for three reasons: accuracy, detail, and influence. I’m not going to say ...
I've been working as a tour guide in Rome since 2008, and it only seems to be getting more crowded with tourists. Instead, go to nearby Ostia Antica.
Rome authorities this month opened a new archaeological park and museum in the shadow of the Colosseum that features an original marble map of Ancient Rome that visitors can literally walk over. The ...
Dall'arresto a Torino al rimpallo di responsabilità: tutti i dubbi sui quattro giorni in Italia del generale libico Almasri Infine è stato rimpatriato dall'Italia su un volo di Stato ...
Il governo Meloni è riuscito finalmente ad attirare un costruttore cinese in Italia. Una svolta? No, almeno per ora, perché l'ingresso di una delle più grandi realtà del Dragone nel nostro ...
Vesuvius is part of the Campanian volcanic arc — a string of volcanoes in Italy, including the currently active Mount Etna, that sits on a boundary between the African and Eurasian tectonic plates.
ROME, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Italy is in favour of Saudi Arabia joining the GCAP fighter jet programme, which currently involves Italy, Britain and Japan, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on ...