After Massachusetts authorities released a report showing a sharp rise in flavored cigarette and vape seizures under a recent bipartisan statewide ban, a former ATF official and a network of law ...
Proponents of the bill say it is aimed at protecting youth and cracking down on Chinese vape products. Critics say it will put vape stores out of business and harm consumers seeking safer ...
SEMARANG, - Badan Koordinasi (Badko) Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Jawa Tengah (Jateng) - Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) mengecam keterlibatan anggota Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) ...
A CHEF severely burned when a vape battery exploded in his pocket said yesterday: “I won’t kick the e-cigs habit.” Dad-of-two Josh Dickens needed skin grafts after the Vapcell power unit bur ...
Teigen shared a photo of a green message notification on Saturday, March 15, which said that she had been “vape free” for “14 days, 22 hours and 31 seconds.” Under the screenshot, ...
Melalui akun Twitter-nya @irwndfrry, Ferry mempertanyakan urgensi dan alasan di balik kebijakan tersebut. "Apa urgensinya militer aktif pegang jabatan sipil? Mau itu berkaitan atau gak sama tugas ...
Penumpang penerbangan diingatkan supaya memegang sendiri bank kuasa mereka dan mengelak menyimpannya dalam bagasi kabin di ruang penyimpanan atas kepala ketika berada di dalam pesawat. Peraturan ...
(Bloomberg) -- New York’s top prosecutor is suing Puff Bar and about a dozen other makers and distributors of popular e-cigarette brands for alleged illegal sales practices and marketing ...
The regulator did not comment on specific brands or companies. Chinese vape giant Heaven Gifts transferred the ongoing U.S. operations of its brand Lost Mary, whose products are not authorised in ...
New York is suing some of the largest vape distributors for allegedly fueling the country’s youth vaping epidemic. New York Attorney General Letitia James announced the lawsuit against 13 major ...