Heavy machinery was on the old Emerald Coast Utilities Authority property in Downtown Pensacola near Bruce Beach Friday.
PENSACOLA, Fla. -- The Pensacola City Council ... of pipes to alleviate repeated flooding in the area off Langley Avenue. Hinote says the development has outgrown the infrastructure.
Corry Station, in Pensacola, was locked down amid reports of an armed disturbance just after 10 a.m. on Thursday ...
The Pensacola area will see 1-2 inches of rain through Thursday as back-to-back winter storms pass over the central and ...
On Wednesday, an attorney for the Grand River Dam Authority sent another letter to federal regulators saying that the state ...
Authorities found no signs of victims or of a shooter after clearing the building where an armed disturbance was reported near Naval Air Station Pensacola.
PENSACOLA, Fla. -- Heavy machinery was on the ... Some residents have worries about the construction, saying traffic, parking and flooding in the area could be major issues.