Whether you create a stacked-rock spiral or a basic cedar square, a raised bed can be a great way to expand your gardening options. And planning for this project makes a great winter pastime, too.
The Livhil Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Planters are sure to sell out quickly, especially at this price. If you plan to ...
Along with saving your plants, raised metal garden beds can also save your joints. Much like vertical gardens, they lift you off your knees for easier, more accessible planting and harvesting.
Can you plant new roses in an old rose bed? If you’re learning how to plant roses, you might have come across the term ...
Gardening season isn’t over after we get our first few freezes in the fall. There are still plenty of things that can be done in the gardens before the snow flies. Whether you are new to ...
The masters gardeners and Kellogg Supply have teamed up to give away 10 raised planting beds to promote vegetable gardening in Cowlitz County. The beds also include soil and plant starters.