Obtaining your Social Security Benefit Statement has never been easier. Discover how you can quickly and conveniently access your SSA-1099 form online, ensuring a smooth tax filing process.
Learn what happens if you don't file your taxes. Discover the consequences, penalties, and how to address unfiled tax returns ...
Offers a high-quality user interface and access to experts and is especially valuable for self-employed filers who use QuickBooks integration. $0 for Free Edition (~37% of filers qualify.
Have you received a 1099 tax form that you don’t understand? Our guide describes the basics of the nearly two dozen different ...
When sorting through your mail this tax season and set aside your important documents, you may receive a new form to your tax ...
When sorting through your mail this tax season and set aside your important documents, you may receive a new form to your tax profile called a 1099-K. This is an income record which accounts for the ...
Here's what to know about the different types of 1099 tax forms, how to confirm you've received all your paperwork, and tips for an easier filing season. Any taxpayer can create a free ID.me ...
The workers expected to get 1099-G tax forms reflecting what they were paid. Instead, according to the comptroller’s office, nearly 6,000 people got information belonging to someone else.