The FDA recently approved a bioengineered blood vessel, which becomes part of a patient’s body over time. It’s designed to ...
With microplastics now permeating our food and our bodies, researchers are keen to assess the potential damage these tiny ...
Real-time imaging shows how plastic-stuffed cells form clumps that affect mouse movement.
Scientists with DARPA are trying to find ways to biohack human cells to create soldiers that can withstand disease better.
The Italian Renaissance artist created groundbreaking depictions of humans at a time when the inner workings of the body ...
We've only recently discovered microplastics are a thing and we still don't know exactly how bad they are for our health. This study doesn't bode well.
Tiny plastic particles lodge in mouse brains and block blood vessels, scientists discovered using real-time imaging that ...
At Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies, we believe hope is concrete. Evidence-based. Real. It's living within us all, thanks ...
Fans were thrilled to get an update on Wednesday when he posted a series of screenshots showing his extensive blood test ...
The human body is composed of over 37 trillion cells, each with a limited lifespan. These cells are continuously replaced to ...