Figure 1. High and low-fidelity DNA replication. (A) Cartoon of the E. coli replisome. (B) Cartoon of high- and low-fidelity DNA polymerase exchange in translesion DNA synthesis. From the simplest ...
This important study presents compelling observational data supporting a role for transcription and polysome accumulation in the separation of newly replicated bacterial chromosomes. The study is ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. Homologous recombination (HR) is important for ...
There are several traditional model systems commonly used to study cancer, including cell culture based, zebrafish and mouse models. These models all have their own unique advantages and limitations ...
The last few years have provided us with a new level of understanding of how chromosomes are replicated, segregated and read - and how their 3D organisation influences expression of individual genes ...
The Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership is a BBSRC-funded doctoral training partnership between the universities of Warwick, Birmingham, Leicester, Aston, Harper Adams and Coventry.