Season 2 ranks as the best season of Rick and Morty, perfecting the show's formula and providing endless entertainment. Season 1 showcases the incredible potential of Rick and Morty, featuring ...
Ricklemania #1… If you’ve ever wondered what a Rick and Morty wrestling episode would look like in comic form, Rick and Morty: Ricklemania #1 from Oni Press delivers exactly that. Written by Marc ...
Dani Di Placido covers film, television, and internet culture. Rick and Morty just shocked fans with a dramatic twist halfway through the show’s seventh season, finally concluding Rick’s big ...
Rick And Morty has many mysteries just waiting to be solved, but one that fans just can't quite seem to leave unsolved is what Plumbus is.
The Rick and Morty is back! The season premiere, "Edge of ToMorty: Rick Die Rickpeat", left me with so many theory ideas and ...
“Rick and Morty" co-creator Justin Roiland faces felony abuse charges and lost all his jobs—now, co-workers say anyone could've seen it coming Rick and Morty co-creator Justin ...
This season of Rick and Morty feels different... and I'm not the only one to think so! Many fans of the series have pointed ...