The world's amphibians are in trouble. Because of their sensitivity to climate change, habitat loss, and pollution, they may ...
Wisconsin's DNR calls for volunteers for their annual Frog and Toad Survey to help monitor amphibian populations.
The elusive frog Alsodes vittatus has been found after 130 years, emphasizing gaps in knowledge and conservation needs in ...
Frogs have thrived for hundreds of millions of years, spreading across virtually every corner of Earth, from tropical jungles ...
A frog species, Alsodes vittatus, believed extinct since 1893, has been rediscovered in Chile. Scientists from the University ...
M from the Bezos Earth Fund to help save 25 frog species through conservation, rewilding, and disease prevention efforts ...
Staff with Evansville’s Wesselman Woods counts amphibians every March on warm rainy nights with citizen scientists. Annual ...
After a presentation to the Select Board by an Advanced Placement environmental science class, the Lenox DPW is installing ...
Researchers and community scientists have teamed up to map and protect these ephemeral wetlands that serve as hidden ...
The near-extinction of India’s vultures due to diclofenac poisoning triggered an ecological and public health crisis. As ...
The coelacanth, a 400-million-year-old ancient fish, was assumed to be extinct until its rediscovery in 1938, revealing the ...