For some people, the classic symptoms of a sinus infection, including nasal congestion and discharge, are also accompanied by ...
Migraines can bring about sinus-like symptoms due to the activation ... becomes thick and blocks drainage, the sinus pressure builds, causing pain associated with a sinus headache, Reddy says.
Do you blow your nose so hard that your head starts reeling Doing that will simply exacerbate your symptoms Read on to know ...
Aches and pains. Pain (think: body aches and a sore throat) is also a tip off that you’re dealing with a virus like a cold.
If your cold symptoms won't quit, you may have something else. Doctors explain what it could mean if you've got a lingering ...
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST ... and puerperium. Symptoms include nausea, seizures, severe focal neurological deficits, coma, and headache (the most common presenting symptom).
When it comes to heart health, the prevalence of a condition shouldn’t be much of a comfort for those dealing with symptoms. While it’s always good to ...
Because there aren't any national statistics collected, it's not known how big the problem is. But it can have seriously ...
To diagnose the root cause of ear pain, ENT specialists employ state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, such as: Audiometry Tests: ...
IF you come down with a cough, sneezing or sniffles in the days before you’re due to travel, cancelling your flight can seem ...
Getting an appointment to see a GP isn't always easy but you can get prescriptions for some health problems without the ...