A strong core will help you on the gym floor and going about your daily life. Chiselled abs are just an added benefit ...
The squat is a no-brainer! We need to sit and stand daily, to get in and out of a car, get in and out of bed and use the restroom are just a few examples. Doing squats regularly will help you maintain ...
Kwapien highlights that stability training should be applied in everyday situations to improve daily life. A simple exercise of quick steps followed by holding the knee up, for example ...
Over 50? Stay strong and flexible with these 10 essential core moves! Master Instructor Carissa Fernandez shares her top ...
One more. All right, guys. Well done, 10-minute stability ball exercise. Now don't forget to cool down and stretch it out a little bit, all right? Have a great day.
Side plank: Target your core and stability Another great exercise for your core is the side plank. “Lie on your side and prop yourself up on one elbow, lifting your hips off the ground so that ...