The meaning of Sigma in statistical analysis is a function of whether you use the upper or lower case of the letter. The uppercase use of sigma denotes a summation while the lowercase represents a ...
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to infer gene interactions that are not directly observed (i.e. latent or hidden) by way of structural equation modeling (SEM) on the expression levels or ...
When you have the average production of three machines, it is easy to calculate the average or mean production. You just add up the three means and divide by three. But what if I want the average ...
Specialization is for insects.” So, in the interest of not being insects, here are my top-five physics equations you should know. 1. Newton’s Second Law I’m sure you've seen this one before ...
Standard deviation measures how far numbers in a data set are spread out from an average value. In investing, it is used as a measurement of portfolio volatility.