As they studied two years of prison-inmate data, Laura Dague and a team of fellow health researchers noticed that one ...
Some medical conditions can occur simultaneously, like anxiety and ADHD. In such cases, a doctor may recommend taking these ...
There are early and suggestive data that GLP-1 drugs reduce alcohol cravings. A large cohort of people with alcohol use ...
I’m one of the millions of people trying to keep the weight off without taking expensive drugs like Mounjaro or Ozempic for ...
Doctors have traditionally advised patients to take blood pressure medication in the morning because blood pressure tends to ...
The versions affected are called compounded medications, which have the same active ingredients as the name brands. The ...
Common misconceptions include the belief that you can never stop taking them or that they will change your personality. The ...
Sweat from a fingertip can be used to test whether tuberculosis (TB) patients are taking their medication properly. Until now, this could only be done by pricking blood. On March 24 it's World ...
Benzonatate should not be combined with alcohol, sleep aids, or opioids. Certain anesthetics and mental health medications can also interact with benzonatate.
Doxycycline can lower the risk of getting certain STIs by two-thirds, according to the NYC Department of Health.