A: I admit it can be confusing, but there is a significant difference between topping a tree and pruning to control size.
Q. Many times I have read, “Never top a tree!” I have also read that we should keep fruit trees at 8 feet for easy picking.
Following Monday's tree well tragedy at Mt. Bachelor, winter safety is at the top of experienced skiers' minds, like ...
Q. Many times I have read, “Never top a tree!” I have also read that we should keep fruit trees at 8 feet for easy picking. And the avocado experts recommend keeping avocado trees at 11 feet.
Yozakura Cherry Blossom Festival: 7-11 p.m. March 22-April 5. View 12 illuminated mature cherry trees during peak blooming ...
The Illinois State Police are investigating a two-vehicle crash on Interstate-74 near the Kickapoo exit on Friday. According ...
The annual practice of butchering trees is in full swing. Tree topping, the practice of cutting large branches back to stubs, is often mistakenly employed by homeowners aiming to reduce tree size ...