Opera's new web browser gives a good impression of being a tool that wants to do the opposite: encouraging us to take breaks ...
Brave Browser is getting a Split View feature, letting you view two web pages side-by-side, similar to Microsoft Edge's Split ...
Microsoft proposed a feature that would allow notifications within a browser to show customizable buttons for calls.
Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has dis­missed crit­i­cisms that T&T is now a “laugh­ing stock” for pur­chas­ing fu­el from Ja­maica de­spite be­ing an oil pro­duc­er for over 100 years.
A pair of busi­ness­men have suc­ceed­ed in their bid to be re­moved from a law­suit over a failed zip-line project for To­ba­go’s Main Ridge For­est Re­serve.
The popularity of AI combined with its growth has created the famous “AI wars” among the top companies trying to increase ...
On iPhones, go to the Privacy setting then scroll down to Apple Advertising, and then switch off Personalized Ads. On newer ...
I installed LineageOS on an old Pixel phone thinking I would appreciate the bloat-free, simpler experience. As it turns out, I missed Google.
In the early days of the internet, web pages were mostly text and mostly static. They were often seen as an analog to a newspaper or phone book. News sites printed stories while businesses printed ...
Open up the Safari browser . Click Safari at the top of the computer, next to the Apple menu. Scroll down and click Preferences . Scroll over and click Privacy .
ABC57's Tipoff Crew Vahid Sadrzadeh and Allison Hayes with a preview of the matchup between the Notre Dame and Virgina Tech.