You'll probably be able to renovate a big old shrub instead of removing it and replacing it. Two techniques will get the job ...
The class will cover viburnums, lilacs, witch hazel, deciduous azaleas, sweetshrubs, crabapples, and ornamental cherries. Participants should dress for the weather and bring pruners, work gloves ...
The garden has a tropical look with oversize plants such as lilacs, viburnums, a Japanese pieris called andromeda and a crabapple tree. "It features a 14-foot tree that we built in the greenhouse ...
Nilsson: Dogwood Ninebark Elderberry, Barberry Sumac is a good option. Lilac and Viburnum were some of their top ...
Get fresh air as the weather warms up this spring at Media's Tyler Arboretum, where 650 acres of sprawling nature welcome ...
Back in Pennsylvania, we always planted arrowwood (Viburnum carlesii ... And who could resist the wonderful aroma of lilacs, lavender and roses? Here in Florida, we have so many fabulously ...
Lilac (Syringa): Even though common lilacs become ... Summersweet is relatively easy to grow and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Viburnum (Viburnum): Viburnums are very diverse in shape ...
we always planted arrowwood (Viburnum carlesii) by the gate and the front door. When it flowered in early spring, its sweet scent was the glorious harbinger of all the wonderful fragrance to come. And ...