"Wild Blue Yonder" centers on the crew of a B-29 during the last war. Led by an oestrum-happy pilot (Wendel Corey) and a slap-happy sergeant (Phil Harris), these fellows really have themselves a ball.
But when it's not catapulting F/A-18 Super Hornets and E-2 Hawkeyes into the wild blue yonder, what exactly can you use its 1,040-foot long flight deck for? Well, BMW seems to have an idea.
Michigan State football's busy offseason in the transfer portal soared "into the wild blue yonder" on Monday as the Spartans ...
Everybody was winging it; this was the wild blue yonder. One thing I like about TMF’s pressers is that you can cherry pick them for interesting tidbits that shed light on his personality ...
Michigan State football's busy offseason in the transfer portal soared "into the wild blue yonder" on Monday as the Spartans added Air Force linebacker David Santiago. The Spartans landed their ...