A call option is a contract that guarantees its owner ... Covered calls are usually written by investors who are long on a stock (i.e., they own it and don’t plan to sell it in the near future ...
What will a stock be worth at a future date? Buying a call option bets on “more.” Selling a call bets on “less.” Here are 3 examples of call options trading. Many, or all, of the products ...
A call option is a contract that gains value when the underlying stock rises. In the most basic sense, then, a call option is a bet that the underlying security will rise in price, enabling you to ...
If you're interested in options trading, one of the first things to learn is the difference between call and put options. You'll see these terms used all the time, so understanding them is a must.
Listen and subscribe to Stocks In Translation on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcast. In this clip for Stocks in Translation, sponsored by tastytrade, Sean ...
You may also decide to roll up if you've written a covered call, and the stock has made a move higher that puts you at risk of potential assignment. The existing short option will be bought to ...
The fund collects the option premiums and distributes them to shareholders in the form of high yields. The downside is that layering a written call option on top of a position alters its return ...
ZWC:CA holds a portfolio of dividend paying Canadian equities and also sells covered calls on a portion of it. Check out our ...
With a long call option strategy, you are betting the price of the security will rise before the expiry date. So you agree to buy it at a price you believe will be below where the price settles.