If you have branches from spring landscaping or bags of leaves left over from the fall, Kansas City has news for you. In ...
The seasonal chore for rural residents of burning yard waste got out of control, resulting in the death of a homeowner in ...
Marion will start its curbside yard waste collection April 14. The collection season will run through Dec. 12. Yard waste pick-up typically will occur the day after each resident's regular trash ...
Twin Bridges will begin its curbside yard waste pick-up schedule for Clifton Park residents on April 1. The service will be ...
The City of Penticton is reminding residents getting their gardens cleaned up that unlimited yard waste collection will ...
Yard waste is leaves, weeds, and the other plant material raked or pulled from lawns or gardens, and there are specific rules for setting it out for collection.
The Michigan DNR warned that just because the weather is warm doesn't mean conditions are safe for burning. Recent dry ...
Beginning March 17 and continuing through Dec. 12, the Columbus Sanitation Department will begin running weekly brush pile ...
Residents are asked to call the streets division at 610-655-6285 or the call center at 1-877-727-3234 to schedule yard waste ...
FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council spent a good amount of time on Monday talking about the city’s Yard Waste Recycling Site ...