Two candidates will face off April 1 to replace Town of Christiana Chairman Mark A. Cook, who is not seeking re-election.
Local planning and economic development professional Tom Knipe is running in the June 24 Democratic primary for Ulysses Town ...
It is my firm belief that this can-do spirit and visible community engagement sit atop a foundation of the good people in this state and the centuries of traditions from which we benefit.
At a town hall meeting on Feb. 13, officials from Wessler Engineering, the EPA, Montgomery County Public Health, Montgomery ...
LA CROSSE (WKBT) -- AARP Wisconsin is going to host a town hall meeting with La Crosse's mayoral candidates in the coming weeks. Both candidates have agreed to participate in the meeting with topics ...
Former Councilmember Troy Thompson resigned in January. At a town council meeting Feb. 6, leaders interviewed Ron Horton and ...
Lorenco noted that Annual Town Meeting will be held on May 12 and that the Finance Committee is nearing the end of its review processes associated with all town budgets including capital plans.
The Mentholee Norfleet Municipal Building was at full capacity on Thursday evening, February 20, for Mayor Jordan Marlowe’s ...
The Shepherdstown Opera House recently announced that it has formed a new community theater ensemble called the Town Run ...
Minnich also says his officers will not enforce the plan to close Town Hall. This post was updated to add new information. WEST BOYLSTON ― A closed-door meeting of the Select Board, to focus on ...
“The stone that the builder refused shall become the chief cornerstone.” This powerful message of transformation and resilience is more than a biblical reference; it tells the journey of the ...