As Democrats struggle with whether to replace Sen. Chuck Schumer as their Senate leader, why not draft Sen. Bernie Sanders to ...
The California Republican Party made slight gains in California, attracting more new voters than the Democrats, but can that ...
A new chair and vice chair of the California GOP were selected during the California GOP Convention in Sacramento on Sunday.
California Republicans chose their new party leader, former Trump surrogate Corrin Rankin, who plans to "Make California ...
California has historically been a heavily Democratic state. But some Republicans think that the tide might be turning.
California doesn't need to think outside the blue box. What California needs is a strong, healthy Republican Party that thinks outside the Trump box. California Republican candidates need to stop ...
California Senate Republicans’ goal of slashing gasoline prices by stopping recent environmental regulations – a centerpiece ...
The vote in the State Senate turned into a fight between Republicans and Democrats over a lack of transparency when lawmakers ...
Kamala Harris, if she runs, may face another Democrat in November 2026 if the Republican vote splits in the “top-two” state ...
SACRAMENTO — A caravan of pickup trucks waving large President Trump flags circled the California Republican Party’s convention this weekend, with drivers occasionally hopping out to dance to ...
In many ways, Republicans remain at the margins of California politics. Despite losing three statehouse seats last fall, Democrats still enjoy a supermajority, and a Republican has not won a ...