Den svenske företagaren och högerextremisten Carl Lundström, 64, har dött i en flygkrasch i Slovenien. Planet kraschade i ett hus som klövs mitt itu, enligt lokala medier. Lundström dömdes till ...
Carl Lundström, co-founder and early backer of the notorious file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, has died following a plane crash in the Slovenian highlands. He was 64 years old. After an ...
Carl Lundström, a Swedish entrepreneur, co-founder and financial backer of the file-sharing platform The Pirate Bay, died earlier this week after his plane crashed in the Slovenian mountains on ...
Swedish businessman Carl Lundstroem, owner of the internet provider that hosted the illegal file-sharing site The Pirate Bay, has died in an aeroplane crash in Slovenia, according to the far-right ...
Wikipedia ( Dubai: Carl Lundström, the Swedish entrepreneur and co-founder of the file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, has died following a plane crash in the ...
Carl Lundström during the Pirate Bay trial in 2009. Photo: Yvonne Åsell / SvD / TT Swedish businessman Carl Lundström, owner of the internet provider that hosted the illegal file-sharing site The ...
Lundström, who inherited a fortune in 1973 from his family's crispbread corporation, Wasabröd, set up Rix Telecom and between ...
Swedish entrepreneur and early backer of file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, Carl Lundström, died in a plane crash in Slovenian mountains on Monday. The right-wing party Alternative for Sweden ...
Det var på måndagen när Carl Lundström var ute med sitt flygplan av mindre modell som planet tappade kontakt med flygledningen. Delar av planet, där endast Lundström befann sig, hittades av ...
Carl Lundström, the Swedish businessman and early financial backer of The Pirate Bay, tragically lost his life in a plane ...
Swedish entrepreneur and early backer of file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, Carl Lundström, died in a plane crash in Slovenian mountains on Monday. The right-wing party Alternative for Sweden, for ...