The launcher device resembles a bucket, which is worn on the arm of firefighters, its developers explained. The device reportedly includes compressed air to launch aerosol-filled vortex rings to ...
As the investigation into an explosion at a grilling area of a Maui complex continues, fire experts are offering safety ...
The Rock Community Fire Protection District has placed a $20 million bond issue, which is called Proposition Safety, on the ...
A Mesa firefighter advised drivers to consider keeping a fire extinguisher and a window punch inside their vehicles.
On Feb. 21, at 7:51 a.m., the Marshall Fire Department (MFD) responded to a commercial fire at a convenience store located at ...
Firefighters responded to an East Texas gas station after employees found their griddle top in flames Friday morning.
A resident of a third-floor apartment in a Trask Street triple-decker was alerted to a fire Friday after hearing a noise coming from a light fixture, which then fell from ...