Kawaii to the max, the series follows the adventures of two of the most beloved characters from Japan's Sanrio, world-famous ...
Netflix is offering a first look of its stop-motion animation series starring Sanrio characters My Melody and Kuromi. My ...
Netflix has officially unveiled the first look at My Melody & Kuromi, its newest stop-motion animated series based on beloved ...
Netflix is expanding its Japanese animation slate with 'My Melody & Kuromi,' a new stop-motion series featuring Sanrio's ...
Netflix ‘s latest Japanese order is My Melody & Kuromi, a stop-motion animation based on Sanrio characters.
Netflix is coming up with a stop-motion animated series titled My Melody & Kuromi, based on the adorable Sanrio Characters.
The My Melody and Kuromi series, two of the most beloved characters from the Hello Kitty and Sanrio universe, will arrive on ...
Sanrio is tugging at the nostalgic heartstrings with the help of Netflix. The streaming giant is expanding its Japanese ...
ALBAWABA - Netflix went viral across social media after revealing an upcoming stop-motion show based on the beloved Sanrio ...
Netflix is expanding its Japanese animation portfolio with a new stop-motion series called My Melody & Kuromi. The show, ...
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of My Melody a stop motion series is coming to Netflix exclusively in July 2025.
Kuromi and My Melody are uniting once again for a brand-new stop-motion anime series about the iconic duo's misadventures on Netflix.