At a meeting on Tuesday (January 21), Nottingham City Council’s executive members approved a new plan to cut £1.5m from its ...
During an Executive Board meeting on Tuesday (January 21), leader of the council, Cllr Neghat Khan (Lab), confirmed the ...
Charles Mason, who runs the company today, told Notts TV while he does believe there is an end on the horizon, the company ...
Officers arrested a 15-year-old at the scene on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive ...
Speaking to the LDRS, remaining Broxtowe Labour councillor Peter Bales said the remaining Labour group wants “clarity” over ...
The hospice says its biggest cost comes from staff salaries, with £4 in every £5 spent going on wages. As a result managers ...
Cllr Madigan also announced plans to write to the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Police and ...
Tuesday 21st January. The only TV show dedicated to news and views for all things Notts. Al Booth guides you through a look at events from all across the county.