Patagonia has no shortage of outdoor gear, so it’s no surprise that it also has versatile hiking pants available for over 30% ...
Whether you’re trying to stay active in the cold or just move in comfort, Patagonia has something for you during its massive ...
Backpacking in the snowy season doesn’t need to be an ordeal. We polled our colleagues to find out their best gear tips for ...
Hikers, this one's for you: The most romantic hiking trail in Missouri is just waiting for new memories to be made. Looking for the perfect hike for couples? The Mount Jackson, Mount Holden and Mount ...
Like many Americans, lured as we can be by charming bees and mysterious silhouettes, I had long ignored rain pants. I thought of them as niche hiking gear ... and the winter’s misty spitting ...
That means Arc’teryx (Kopec Mid GTX Boot Men's, £180, ), North Face (Glenclyffe Urban Boots, £125, and Salamon (Crosstrak Powder Waterproof, £200, are all ...
After testing dozens of socks in freezing temps, knits from Smartwool and Carhartt came out on top.
Sun & Ski Sports has a pair of K2 men’s ski boots that are rugged but ... perfect for snowshoeing. Snowshoes make winter hiking easier, ensuring you don’t constantly sink into the snow.
The top performers include traditional lace-up winter boots for men and women ... caps or electrical hazard protection. A few winter hiking boots made it into the test pool because hiking boots ...
Temperatures are currently plummeting in many parts of the country. For example, it's currently 14 degrees in New York City.
Even on the iciest, most biting days, the best men's winter coats will remind ... If you're going to be active in your winter jacket—whether from hiking or skiing, or just walking a lot ...