Smart citations by include citation statements extracted from the full text of the citing article. The number of the statements may be higher than the number of citations provided by ACS ...
A step-by-step guide to help you fill out a W-4 Thanasis / Getty Images You're about to begin that much-needed, new job and your employer hands you an IRS Form W-4 to fill out and submit to them ...
The Witcher 4 has now been officially revealed, with a new trailer confirming that the game will focus on Ciri as the main protagonist. This latest look does give us an idea as to the overall ...
The term 4×4 means a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Technically, the first digit is the number of wheels and the second is the number that are driven, so a four-wheel-drive pickup truck is a 4×4 ...
2020) except for the identification of heart defects, for which micro-CT was used. Briefly, hearts were dissected from fixed (4% paraformaldehyde with 1% glutaraldehyde) E18.5 embryos and stained in 0 ...
Effects of 5-ethyl-1-phenyl-2-(1H) pyridone on serum biomarkers of multiorgan dysfunction and mortality in lipopolysaccharide/galactosamine and cecal ligation and ...
Ukraine or Russia: Whose Side Is Trump On? Nick asks former UK foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt.
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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic interstitial lung disease characterized by an abnormal reepithelialisation, an excessive tissue remodelling and a progressive fibrosis within the ...