All the 2000s flopbuster notes are here: plenty of CGI to build out the largely gray environments of the prison and the ...
Pushing out singles like the mother of the octuplets, Fat dog released most of 'Woof' as singles so it will come as no Suprise that every man woman and child in the audience knowing every lyric, every ...
He utilizes unique instruments and synths that play on the horror genre in a light and playful manner. It helps the film move along at its breakneck pace by smoothing the transitions between scenes.
The history of vacuum tubes in synthesizers goes all the way back to 1939: the Hammond Novachord, one of the first polyphonic synths ever commercially manufactured, relied on an array of 163 vacuum ...
Games Workshop is showing off two of the Detachment rules for the Emperor’s Children. Plus some more 40k rules for them, too. The Emperor’s Children are getting six new Detachments in their upcoming ...
What is Warhammer 40k: Astartes 2? Astartes II is the long awaited second season of a computer animated miniseries set in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 sci-fi universe, which has been wildly ...
If you were looking to trade up your synth pedal, Meris might just have the answer with the newly expanded, the hugely expanded Enzo X. As sequels go, they don’t get any bigger. This is a pedalboard ...
Musically, the album feels equally elusive. Warped pianos, half-heard vocals and buzzing synths help construct a fractured, transient soundscape that dissolves before it fully reveals itself ...
Games Workshop’s premium subscription service is a grab bag of different features, from animated shows, tutorials, and battle reports on the Warhammer TV streaming platform, to lore PDFs, Warhammer ...
Despite no official plans, Cavill’s deep love for video games, demonstrated by his roles in Netflix’s The Witcher and his upcoming involvement in the Warhammer 40K movie, leaves fans hopeful that he ...
A hobbyist, player, and collector of miniatures and games, Adam's current obsession are his Death and Chaos Armies for Age of Sigmar, his Blood Angels and Tyranids for 40k, an expanding collection of ...
In the grimdark future of the Warhammer 40K universe, there is only war. Entire worlds and sectors have been engulfed in flames or have become new battlegrounds. Progress and peace are relics of ...