At Oewerzicht Farm, in Greyton, one such trial included a new pear, the European and Asian pear cross PremP009, marketed as ...
Philodendron remains an excellent house plant as it is air purifying. A winner in 2025, check out the "Orange you Gorgeous" climbing philodendron that is grown for interesting foliage.
Glaciers, fjords, and mountains await in this stunning region of Norway, one of Rick Steves' favorite places to appreciate ...
This time of year, birds are easier to see on bare branches and you’ll have the run of some of the best viewing spots.
Now is the time for some winter pruning on ornamental shrubs and trees. From December to late March is the perfect time to ...
The center of a tree or shrub stem (from roots to trunk, branches, and twigs) is woody, composed of xylem cells that conduct water from the roots to the upper parts of the tree. That woody section is ...
Agricultural Productions Systems McLeod/Meeker County Trees are often enjoyed more by people that come after those that planted the tree. Trees help define how a yard in ...
For apple scab, do one spray now while the tree is dormant and the tips of the buds are green. Spray again later in winter ...
Don’t automatically blame cold weather for killing your plants over the winter. Most plants that suffer chronic winter damage and die are stressed plants that would have died from something ...
Sometimes by this time in February, the hellebores planted many years ago in a flower bed are showing buds, but that hasn’t ...
A friend of mine at breakfast told me that he felt English ivy was becoming the new kudzu. He has a good point. When you look ...
There are seedheads on the sedum (Hylotelephium ‘Autumn Joy’) and the Phlomis russeliana which give height and rusty colour at this time of year, and they provide shelter for insects as well as food ...