The Ciaron Maher trained three year old was an impressive winner of the Autumn Classic last time and looks suited up to 2040m ...
View the Final Field and Barriers for the 2025 Alister Clark Stakes. The Alister Clark Stakes will be run on Saturday, 22 ...
Have you ever heard that you’re as stubborn as a mule? Or that something has been a certain way for donkey’s years? So, why ...
This bird, when cooked in the ordinary way, is about as palatable as a stewed kerosene lamp wick,” Edward Howe Forbush said ...
* meciul nu a avut istoric * echipa brăileană a condus pe tabelă din primul și până în ultimul minut de joc   Victorie la ...
As many people know, the spoonerism owes its name to William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), an English dean who wittily (or unwittingly) transposed the initial sounds of his words and phrases, saying ...
Another piece of history was made at the weekend as the Northern Region annual two-phase event turned into a two day ...
Traficul rutier va fi restrictionat marti, pe autostrada A1 pe sensul Bucuresti-Pitesti, dun cauza unor lucrari de reparatii ...
Ocuparea treptată a Europei de armatele germane a provocat un val de refugiaţi, emigranţi şi lideri ai rezistenţei care au luat calea pribegiei. Mulţi din ei au ajuns la BBC. În cursul războiului au l ...
Yet one did so March 4 within the European portion of the series when Juddmonte homebred Juncture whipped past rivals to capture the Patton Stakes at Dundalk. While the Patton Stakes is contested in ...
Earlier this year, we highlighted a few horses who were already making a big ... by barrel sire HP Dash Ta Fiesta and out of a Hollywood Dun It granddaughter. Taking the win in the first round ...
The horses are Austrian by origin and have a gentle ... horse breed that is easy to spot due to the coat color of dun and the black stripe along the back. The stripe continues right from the ...