Albany school zone speed cameras continue to watch out for speeding drivers as the Georgia legislature debates whether to better regulate or outright ban them. Camera critics say the cameras are a ...
Albany’s Barbara Rivera Holmes is taking her economic development skills to the state level, after announcing Monday that she will be leaving the position she has held at t Area Chamber of Commerce ...
To ban or not to ban? That’s the question Georgia legislatures are debating right now when it comes to school zone speed ...
Dougherty County took another step towards bringing a convention center and hotel to Downtown Albany. In Monday’s meeting, ...
Rivera Holmes replaces Bruce Thompson, a Republican and former state senator who was elected labor commissioner in 2022. He ...
One person was shot after a fight that happened at Big Daddy’s Lounge early Sunday morning. Albany police are currently ...
Gov. Brian Kemp named a Southwest Georgia businesswoman Tuesday to serve as the state's 11th labor commissioner.
Coffee High School traveled to Albany, Georgia to travel to participate in the L.C. Smith & Winfred Benson Relays. The Lady Trojans scored 47 points and Trojans scored 43 points. Both teams finished ...
Barbara Rivera Holmes, who leads the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce, will be the first Latina to hold a statewide constitutional office in Georgia.
Bárbara Rivera Holmes was announced Tuesday as the new leader of the state Department of Labor by Gov. Brian Kemp.