Nashali Alma, a 24-year-old Florida-based NPC bodybuilder and fitness influencer, was attacked by a man in Tampa, Florida. In a video shared by NBC News, Alma was attacked by 25-year-old Xavier ...
Their move to JRU will reunite them with newly-minted Heavy Bombers head coach Nani Epondulan, who was among Alcantara's lead assistants in Mapua before he decided to come home to his alma mater late ...
Hatalmas vállalást tett Orbán Viktor a szokásos februári évértékelÅ‘jén. 5 év várakozás után - elÅ‘ször ugyanis 2020 januárjában beszélt errÅ‘l a lehetÅ‘ségrÅ‘l - idén októbertÅ‘l kiterjeszti a kormány a 3 ...
Charles Barkley finally found something he likes about TNT Sports losing NBA game rights after this season: no more All-Star Game. Credit the NBA for recognizing it has an All-Star Game problem ...
Palácsik-Ráthonyi Tímea megmutatta a kisbabáját és a kerekedÅ‘ pocakját: „Egyszerre két gyermekem is születik, akikre oly ...