How might you make your mark on the world forever? Write a play more timeless than Shakespeare, or compose music to out-do ...
The extremely well-preserved ammonite - believed to be between 100 to 105 million years-old - has been discovered on the Isle ...
The field of paleo-inspired robotics is opening up a new way to turn back time and studying prehistoric animals.
Discover the remarkable bird fossil from Antarctica that is rewriting the story of bird evolution. Learn how this 69-million-year-old bird challenges previous theories.
A 69-million-year-old Antarctic fossil proves some birds thrived before the dinosaurs’ extinction, reshaping avian evolution ...
A "stunning" and well-preserved ammonite fossil — believed to be between 100 to 105 million-years-old — has been discovered on the Isle of Wight. Fossil collector Jack Wonfor, 24, and his 12-year-old ...
Scientists have made an exciting discovery—a 69-million-year-old fossil found in Antarctica is the oldest known modern bird.
Hundreds of vendors from dozens of countries converged in Tucson, Arizona, for the annual Gem and Mineral Show, where the ...
A new study in Nature describing a fossil of a nearly complete and intact bird skull from Antarctica is shedding light on the ...
The Late Cretaceous modern (crown) bird,Vegavis iaai, pursuit diving for fish in the shallow ocean off the coast of the Antarctic peninsula, with ammonites and plesiosaurs forcompany. 66 million years ...
Vegavis, an ancient bird from Antarctica, identified as the oldest modern bird ancestor with specialized fish-hunting adaptations.