as well the assessment format itself, with desired learning outcomes and with the summative assessments that will measure them. For example, if students will be asked to write a final research paper, ...
The Higher Learning Commission (UW’s accrediting body) offers this definition of assessment: “Effective assessment is best understood as a strategy for understanding, confirming, and improving student ...
Assessment of student learning falls into two broad categories: formative assessment (forward-looking, process-focused assessment designed to track progress and identify areas in need of improvement) ...
In addition, the Office of the Provost is leading a University-wide initiative to facilitate assessment of student learning outcomes. The University Assessment/Accreditation Council has been ...
Summative assessments are implemented at the end of a unit, course, or instructional period to evaluate how well students have achieved the learning objectives, such as knowledge, skills, and ...
To ensure student learning is taking place, a wide range of assessment activities are used to assist the UW community in making data-driven decisions on how to best build an environment where students ...