This involves designing games as performance art, analyzing social dynamics through games ... learning skills and production,' aimed at readying students for the evolving landscape of games and play.
The relative importance of each token informs the topographical height of features in this semantic landscape. A sentence, or a group of tokens, has a net vector. The model chooses its path ...
In MutualArt’s artist press archive, Autumn Kioti Horne is featured in The Contemporary Art Modern Project (The Camp Gallery) Annual Fiber Exhibition: 77 Women Pulling At The Threads Of Social ...
Alternate courses for MSTP students: IBIS 401-404. MSTP students in the CBTP do not need to take CBIO 453, CBIO 455, PATH 510 or PATH 416, although PATH 416 may still be taken as a Track Elective.
Former Ironman competitor Morgan Billings was out for a ride with friends on Friday morning on the path that runs alongside ... was broken by the force of the fall, which happened when the group ...
Two cyclists involved in two “sinister” attacks using wire on a bike path have shared stories of ... the knees and elbows” after suffering a fall while travelling at the speed of 35km ...
The northern end of Hāhei Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula, where the tragedy happened. A young person died after falling off the cliff. Photo / Al Williams A local councillor says she’s ...
With both supply and demand for big-ticket art in a slump, Sotheby’s and Christie’s are making major bets on selling handbags, classic cars and niche experiences. By Scott Reyburn Reporting ...
Not so long ago, Chicago dealer Kavi Gupta was a force in the international art world. Artists on his roster appeared in top international exhibitions, like the Whitney Biennial, Documenta ...
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Sunday that they didn't mislead Americans about President Biden's decline or ability to serve despite the president dropping out of the race after being faced with ...
The Met hosts the first solo show of drawings by the late Yankton Dakota artist Mary Sully (1896-1963), who combined traditional aesthetics of the Dakota and other Indigenous groups with the Art ...
Here’s just a little taste of what the fall has in store ... 19 campus-wide celebration in the art space’s new digs at 145 Hooper Street. To mark the move, the Wattis’ first exhibition focuses on the ...